One day last week I was reminded of an elderly gentleman who once lived near my sister, aka The Sunglasses Fashionista, in Atlanta. He had a stately magnolia trea in his front yard that he watered until it gave up and died. This gentleman drove to the Publix one day and was found days later in Mississippi.
On this particular day I decided to make my monthly trek to JoAnn Fabrics in Greensboro. It was hot, and oh how I hate hot. But that's a topic for another story. I spied a McDonalds across the street and thought how nice a big iced tea would be. So, forward to McDonalds. This is where my troubles began. After three trips around this McDonalds, I could not figure out how to get myself in the drive-thru line. Thirsting to death, I gave up and headed for home.
I know the way home. I do this every month. But there was the sign. The sign I had never noticed before, instructing me to stay in the left lane. So, to the far left I go. I could see the cars zooming down the street I needed to be on but where was I? Headed into the parking lot at Cone Hospital. I could see a familiar landmark in the distance and headed my car in its direction. Ha! There I was, headed in the opposite direction of home.
Finally, I got myself turned around in the right direction. Or, at least I hoped I was right. By now, I was beginning to have serious doubts about my ability to get myself back home again. Mile by mile things started to look more familiar. I found a McDonalds, got that big sweet tea and carefully headed back in the direction of home.
For a moment there I wondered if I, too might be headed to Mississippi. Good thing I don't have a big magnolia tree in my yard.