Friday, February 25, 2011

Much To Talk About

My daugher suggested months ago that I should start a blog.  It seemed like a good idea because I always have much to say.  But I wondered if anyone would be interested.  Interested or not, I have decided to do this.

What to talk about?  The 'joie de vivre" as a result being unemployed? Of not working outside the home, finally, after all these years?  My baking venture, Butter Me Up Baked Delights?  The joy and elation I find in everyday domesticity?  My family?  Maybe I'll talk about them all, as it suits me and maybe someone will find it interesting.  I'll think on this a bit more and start writing the details of my life tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You are an excellent writer. I have/will enjoy reading your advantures.
